
The Blue Knight

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-23-2018, 04:12 PM
Rhyme kept his eyes narrowed, ears back, his shoulders rolled. His hackles were raised his tail straight behind him as a rudder for balance. His knees were bent and as his attacks fell he rebalance his weight. He dug his claws into the earth as he reached Shaye and tucked his chin as his teeth gained purchase on her scruff. His lips were still pulled back for his bite.

The fur was too thick on her shoulders to cause much damage and he hadn't knocked her over but he hoped he caused a bruise. His claws fell over her belly practically uselessly. He was not discouraged though.

She went for his ears and would push against his shoulder as they collided. Rhyme would attempt to use her own weight against her. He would rebalance himself, all four legs gaining his weight evenly as she tried to knock him off balance. Her teeth missed his ear, but would make purchase just behind on the left side of his neck. His thick fur would prevent most of the damage but shallow punctures we're unavoidable.

He would attempt to bite down harder on her scruff so she might not escape his grasp, while she pushed towards him he would pull back in the same direction. Trying to yank her further and pull her off balance he would readjust his weight to pick up his left paw and attempt to pull her left leg out from under her. He aimed to wrap his own left wrist around the front of her left wrist and pull the leg out from under her, hopefully causing her to fall to the earth in front of him.

Rhyme v Shaye
Round 2 of 3
For spar