
We face it together



6 Years
10-24-2018, 10:02 AM

Slowly, cautiously, his eyes raised to meet hers, with a small smile that was every bit sincere as it was hopeful. “T-t-thank y-y-you.”He squeaked, the tip of his tail daring to beat slightly against the ground. The idea of being safe, of not having to worry about being attacked, was strange, and in truth he didn’t fully believe it, but he trusted Shaye.

He knew it was dangerous to put his faith in anyone, but in that moment he remembered his last meeting with Shiloh; the ochre male had grabbed his scruff and held him tightly against his body, and asked if the healer could fix him. The dusty male had promised he would, and in that he knew he had failed. When he woke up and Shiloh had vanished again, he knew his words had been for naught, and now, with Shaye promising him the same thing he had promised Shiloh he began to doubt that she would be able to keep her word.

“You’re worthless…Pitiful…” He heard Toad growl in his mind, and he flinched visibly at the sudden intrusion. He glanced at Shaye quickly, trying to read the woman’s expression before Toad assaulted him again. “You’ll fuck it all up, like always and she’ll start to hate you. Then you’ll be alone again, you don’t deserve anyone.” He hung his head, wall-eyed as he stared at the ground, violent shivers wracking his body as he tried to fight off his brother’s cruel assault. “S-s-s-s-s-s-sorry…I’m-m-m s-s-s-so s-s-s-s-s-sorry.” He whined, his paws kneading at the ground nervously, almost sure that the woman was going to consider him a lost cause on the spot. He had just promised himself he would do his best to help her fix him, and he was already making a mess of it.  

Spider speaking  Toad's voice You