
My God, My Tourniquet!



4 Years
Extra large
10-24-2018, 01:53 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2018, 02:43 PM by Dea.)
Each moment seemed to stretch on eternally until she was sure that Archon had abandoned her, though she wasn't quite sure why that was. She had been provoked into the fight and forced to defend herself against Cael's attacks, however, she supposed she could have handled the mouthy woman with a bit more couth. For the first time in her life, Dea whimpered sadly to think he would leave her over something that would have been trivial had it not been an Abaven wolf or one who seemed to know him.

Her fears were soon dispelled, hearing paws stepping in the grass behind her, Dea lifted her head to make sure she wasn't being threatened. It was an answered prayer to see Archon standing there, though the distance was oddly unsettling. His voice said he was more than just physically distant, even with his invitation she could tell he was a little guarded. He had every right to be, she had been born a monster and she could only guess how much she looked the part right now. Watching for a moment as he entered the pool, Dea wondered whether she should follow him in or not. Did she deserve to? She could have easily snapped back into her old ways, eaten Cael and been done with the whole deal, but she didn't want that part of herself. It didn't fulfil her the way it did for her siblings or parents. Her mind didn't work well with that lifestyle. Dea was called for higher things.

Mountains were not known for being easy to climb, she had to get back up. She hadn't been defeated, just discovered, though her rage at the moment had terrified her. Not knowing what to say, Dea stood and gave herself a moment to rid herself of the throbbing in her head and the dizzy feeling it created. Then her bright pink gaze landed on Archon in the pool with a heavy tone of conflict, but there was hope within her eyes. She wouldn't be felled by a simple rage. Without saying anything, Dea moved into the pool, dimly shimmering ripples meeting with the ones Archon made. Standing beside Archon, Dea looked at him for a moment, "You would think I would have a better temper, as smart as I am." She meant it as a joke, but a little of her own insecurity about the incident slipped out.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
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