
What would a mushroom car say?



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
10-24-2018, 04:13 PM
Exploring wasn't necessarily something he was usually interested in doing, but it was much harder to resist the call to adventure when he was suddenly in a place that was so much more full of life and interesting scenery. He'd really tried this morning to wait around for Sephi, but eventually the need to see more of this place ate at him so bad he finally strolled off on his own, walking real slow in case his sister decided to finally make an appearance.

Back home diving into caves was not an activity most chose to partake in. There were usually irritable, mutated creatures living in them. But here he had to assume that it was at least a fraction less dangerous, and so Ig shrugged and entered the dark space, his glowing pelt pulsing softly with warm light in the darkness of the entrance. As he got further in his attention moved from the plinking sounds of water dripping nearby to the soft blue glow ahead of him. What an odd place...

Surprisingly enough - considering where he hailed from - Ig had never encountered mushrooms like these. They glowed just as he did. They were different colors, but still he found he rather liked them. Sitting down to eye them for a bit, he wondered if they were poisonous or not. If he could, he'd like to take one to Sephi. If not he'd have to remember how to get here so he could show her.

"That's right, ghosty, move along. Ain't nobody got time for you."

Huh? Ig turned left and right, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. He had somehow failed to notice someone else was here... Well, crap. After a few moments he figured the speaker was actually somewhere between him and the entrance. How he'd missed the other he didn't know. Clearly Ig was not on top of his game. That'd need to change, wouldn't want someone from home getting the best of him after all.

Wandering towards the voice, Ig finally spotted the woman who appeared to have been mumbling to herself and asked, "What sort of ghosts do you think you're seeing?"