
Avoid the Poison Ivy - Abaven Healing Training

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-24-2018, 04:36 PM
Rhyme heard his little cousin's call as he made his way over the territory. Vail seemed as opposite of Shaye as she could possibly get, though both of them had a passion for helping those in need. An admirable trait in his eyes, but unlike the two she wolves he had a limit. His mother was like that too, ready to set herself on fire to keep those who needed it warm. Rhyme enjoyed the healing arts, being able to take care of himself was a skill every fighter needed. Rhyme hoped he might see some of his fledgling warriors here.

He made his way to where Vail sat patiently waiting, with only one to appear before he did. Spider, he assumed, with how much he coward before the most unassuming of wolves the pack held. Shaye had mentioned him and his quirk briefly, and while she was allowed to coddle him all she wanted Rhyme would not. Of course he wasn't about to try and undo any of the work Shaye had put into him either so he did what he thought was best and ignored him.

Other than his mother Rhyme was not an incredibly affectionate wolf, so he refrained from any nuzzling as he sat down next to his pale pink cousin. "Vail, I'm sure you have an interesting lesson planned today? I don't suppose I'll see you at fight training?" he asked with amusement in his eye despite the fact she probably wouldn't see it he had no doubt she would hear it.