


07-09-2013, 02:47 PM


Her tone was soft as she explained why she was out so late alone. Not a very good reason, he thought but decided not to say anything. Her wishes, however stupid he thought them to be, were still her wishes. Nothing he could do about that. Alessa had swallowed up his lies, though, and he liked that. In all honesty, if he was still normal, if he'd still been the same wolf he'd been with his brother, he might have found her attractive. But he was no longer normal.

"I've grown tired of the West, so I've come exploring." No need to lead her on to where he was actually stationed, in case she could somehow use it against him. "It's boring out here," he stated bluntly. Nothing would change. He wasn't the one to physically cause things to happen, he just poked and prodded until they took off without him.

As Tyberius spoke, he was internally wondering if he could best her. Alessa did have all of her pieces still but she would probably take it easy on him, if he was assuming correctly. She was possibly the prime candidate for a spar; if he could practice against her, he could move on to more formidable foes. Medusa would eventually realize that he was worth very little to Amenti and he was bound and determined that he would never let her get to that realization.

Using his newly-found manners, ripped right from his brother, he asked, "Would you care for a spar? It might take the boredom away for both of us." If she accepted, Tyberius would think her insane. He had already shown that he was mentally unstable, flipping between pretend personalities like cards. It was late, and there were very few other wolves in the vicinity that would be awake. If he were a liar... a violent liar and decided to tear her throat out instead, who would know? She'd lay here until morning.

Tyberius wouldn't do anything of the sort, however. That would blow his cover and that couldn't happen just yet. He stood before her, awaiting her answer.

TAG: alessa! WORDS: 353 NOTES: he's convinced that he's gonna win. little does he know. xD