
At my Side

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-27-2018, 03:37 PM
He was still easy to agree, even after she had laid the responsibilities he would be expected to take, at his feet. She nodded contently, she knew she had picked right with him. Well she had wanted Vail to be at her side, she knew it would have been unfair of her to ask her to. Vail was happy as a healer, taking the path Shaye had once expected of herself. She had Solor, and perhaps, perhaps even soon… she would have pups under paw to take care of. The thought left her grinning, as her eyes settled on Rhyme once more. He however, still acted like a young wolf on his way up in the world. Which made sense, considering freedom was new to him.

He had ambition and a good heart, and she was glad he was there beside her. “Walk with me.” she told him. She preferred to let her feet pace through Abaven territory as she spoke. Besides, it would be good for him to walk it beside her, seeing it all and knowing it was their shared responsibility now. “The original wolves of the pack, the ones that where here before I returned, they are the most quiet within Abaven. They still feel angry and alone, after Archon had ruled over them as an invader, and Sparrow’s death hasn’t helped them feel any better. They are the most likely to give you trouble, but I think they mean well, if we can win them over and get them to see that life can be better now.” she gave her head a soft shake, thinking of those wolves always troubled her.

“Of the new wolves, two joined on the same day you did. Allegro is a sweet young wolf, who shows a little ambition as well. I’m hoping to get him up to Nepenthis soon, if he can prove himself.” she admitted, as she spoke of the leader hunter position. “We have no one currently to full your shoes as a rising warrior through the ranks, but with you now as second-Alpha, you can still take on those responsibilities of training. Once we get someone to full that Warrior rank, some of the responsibilities of it can be passed on from you. I’ll take responsibility of the hunters until Allegro proves himself. Vail is my lead healer, of course, and we have Spider now as well. He’s been hurt in his past, quite badly, through I don’t know the details.” she glanced back at Rhyme. He had been hurt too, through his had taken him a different path. “I’ll work with him slowly, through I hope to make him an apprentice of Vail soon. There is Solor - he doesn't strike me as ambitious, he’s just here for Vail. so long as he does his part, we always need wolves to simply full the ranks.” she cleared her throat after all that talking, giving Rhyme the lay of the land, the wolves they would be watching over.


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