
Earth's Pull



5 Years
Dire wolf
10-27-2018, 06:54 PM

The plants subdued him with surprising swiftness. Circe eyed him as he all but melted into the rocky ground. While she'd expected him to go down she hadn't anticipated the speed or the totality of his sedation. Perhaps in the future she would have to take more care in dosing lighter individuals. At any rate, she wasn't disappointed with his unconscious state. While she'd been planning on talking her healing prowess up and reassuring him of his safety while under her care, this certainly made things easier. Now she could do what she wanted without the pretense of compassion.

"My, you're quite the lightweight, aren't you?" she said brightly, testing the waters just in case his slumber wasn't as deep as she thought. "Well, don't you worry. I'll have you patched up in no time and you'll be right as rain."

When Pnuma didn't stir, Circe got to work. She quickly cleaned the gash - her ministrations still a little rough as she continued to test him for awareness - and then applied a poultice topped with a small rectangle of rabbit skin and tied the whole thing on with grass twine.

Circe stepped back to eye her handiwork. At first glance the lump at his wrist had looked like a break, but upon closer examination she'd determined it was just swelling, perhaps from striking a rock as he fell. But she wasn't about to tell him that. No, Circe had other ideas.

"Alright, Pnuma," she said loudly in the hopes of rousing him (if he could be roused). "I've done what I can here, but it looks like your leg is broken and I'm going to need help fixing it. So we need to go back to my band, okay? If you're not okay with that, you need to tell me..." Of course she wasn't really giving him the option of leaving. IF he were to rouse and IF he were to insist on going his own way, she'd give him another dose and haul him to the band. He wasn't going to get away so easily. Hopefully he'd stay unconscious and she could just pick him up and be on her way.

"Circe" "Gwydion"

Circe has a male spitting cobra companion named Gwydion. Unless stated otherwise he is always with Circe.

Wanna plot with Circe? Check out the miscellaneous section on her profile!