
At my Side

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-28-2018, 07:47 AM
The first alpha didn't need prodded to continue after Rhyme agreed to her terms. Shaye asked him to follow, and he was not about to deny such a simple request. She was only slightly shorter than he was, and their pace began to match quickly. Rhyme still felt slightly stunned at his new position, but with every step he felt more comfortable within it. Shaye began speaking again, filling him in on the rest of the occupants in Abaven. He too felt the disturbance within the original ranks of wolves, though he knew better than most what they might have gone through. But there was always another day and another chance at a brighter future. However, he couldn't help those who didn't wish to help themselves. Rhyme wanted to reach for greatness, the question was would these wolves help or hinder him in the endeavor.

Shaye continued, Allegro was the friendly male he had met briefly on the battlefield. Rhyme too hoped he might step into the role Shaye had in mind for him. Rhyme made a note to himself that he would have to officially introduce himself to the man. She mentioned a lack in warrior rank, and this troubled him but also made him feel more determined. He would fill Abaven's ranks with competent warriors. She also spoke of Spider and Rhyme filed that same information away for later. She mentioned Solor, who only had eyes for his cousin Vail. Not that he could really blame him but he wondered if he might get the man to fight training.

"Your insight is appreciated," he told her after listening to every word. "I'm even more determined to do well for this pack. They deserve better than what they've been given."