
Dusk and Fireflies [Eren]


07-09-2013, 04:47 PM

Flint was grateful that the smaller female didn't pressure her any further. Instead she took her by surprise, taking off into the wind, chasing after the scent of deer. Flint's instincts lit like a spark in a dry meadow. As she followed Eren along buffalo and other game trails, every step blew more fuel into her fire until she was a blaze of heightened senses. When they came to the edge of a clearing, Flint caught sight of the small herd. The hunt had been Eren's idea and the smaller female had taken the lead getting them here, so Flint was more than happy with letting her take the lead on this final push as well. Flint watched the black wolf as she picked her target, one of the larger does. The herd was grazing rather close together, so Flint knew what she had to do.

As Eren took off after her target, Flint ran a hard line between the doe and the other wolves. The buck, the other female and her fawn took off one way while the target doe sprang to the opposite side. Flint was hard on her heels, watching as Eren leaped for the startled cervidae. Eren tore at the doe's hindquarters so Flint leaped at her shoulders. Their combined weight dragged the bleating doe down, and Flint ended it with a quick snap at the jugular. With huffing, self-satisfied breaths Flint stepped back, a sly grin on her face. She listened to the crashing sounds as the rest of the deceased deer's herd crashed through the underbrush. As Eren was a pack wolf and Flint was simply a Rogue she had the right to eat first, so she waited, to winded to verbalize, so she just hope Eren would catch on.

Speech, Thoughts