
10 ways siblings can suck the life out of you



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
10-28-2018, 01:34 PM
Somehow he doubted that she kept close to avoid causing trouble alone. If anything his theory was she enjoyed starting shit as close to him as possible. "So considerate," he mused.

Where to begin though? Breaking the news wasn't any easier after waiting a while, despite his hopes that time might numb the pain and make it easier to spill the details. Heaving a heavy sigh, Ig tipped his head back to rest against the seat, closing his eyes and listening to the rain for a moment before he finally began. "I'm clearly not good at this shit, but here goes. I had no idea what was going on until it happened. The day before I'd spent with Avis, she wanted to go to the market and I wasn't busy for once. Everything was great then. I don't think I've seen her happier than when I said we could spend a whole day together-" his throat was already getting tight, so Ig cut off for a moment to regain composure before continuing.

"First thing the next morning I was drug out of bed and brought to Mars." The name felt like poison on his tongue. There had only been a handful of times where the man had been referred to as 'father' by Ignatius, and they were mostly in front of the man to appease him. But Mars wasn't here, so Ig could refer to him however he damn well pleased. "H-her body... was there." Fury and anguish swirled into a righteous anger as he recalled the moment he knew their sister was dead.

"Apparently they believed I was responsible. There was supposedly proof, but I haven't the faintest clue what aside from a few witnesses. No one was interested in my side, they wanted to blame someone and that someone was me." Of all the thing that could have gotten him cast out, this was by far the worst he could have managed to dream up. Deplorable, despicable, monstrous Kaius would pay dearly for this. Fuck the exile, Ig wanted nothing more than to avenge Avis. His eyes burned with the tears he'd fought back as he added, "Kaius did it. I don't know how, or what he did, but he made a point of gloating when we were away from Mars. He... said Kirsi helped..."