
10 ways siblings can suck the life out of you



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
10-28-2018, 05:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2018, 09:59 AM by Ignatius.)
He flinched, even with his eyes closed as she responded. Opening them to give her a serious look, Ig desperately wished he could tell her it wasn't really true. He wished he could go back in time, and kill his sinister older sibling before this could have happened. If he had been wiser, perhaps he could have seen more clearly that Kaius was plotting something, that Kirsi was corrupt... He failed. He failed Avis, and it hurt so bad he he could hardly stand it. Seph had to know, he knew that, but it was still unbelievably hard to relive this.

The anger, the denial, he'd already begun living it and seeing Seph roll through her emotions as she took in the news was horrific. He didn't need to reaffirm that it was true though, there was no need. Watching her leap out into the storm, Ig was hardly surprised by her reaction. He only felt a sharp stab in his chest as he watched her, puling himself to a standing position and following her, his brows knitted firmly into a pained scowl.

"He will more than pay for it," Ig choked out, swallowing the tears and the sobs that threatened to break loose again, pressing them firmly back down with the mountain of anger that had been building in him since the moment he laid eyes on his sweet sister's body. "We will find him eventually, and when we're ready, he will suffer for what he's done, and he will never know what it is to have the power he's killed to achieve." That would be the sweetest vengeance. To see it hit Kaius that he would never be king as he drew his last breaths. Nothing would make Ignatius happier than to deliver justice in that way.

Curling against Sephi's side, he pressed himself reassuringly against her as he continued to fight off the anguish that threatened to cripple him. Stoic as always, Ig was already contemplating how best to avenge their sibling, and how to accomplish it before Kaius could take the throne.