
Too Cold [Nyx]


07-09-2013, 05:49 PM

Tiberious lay out in the faint spring sun. The air still bore a bit of a chill, but it was nothing like the winter winds and felt warm in comparison, sometimes downright hot as he still wore his thicker winter coat. Flowers bloomed around him and he snapped lazily at a fly as it buzzed past it's ear. It was a lethargic type of day, there was just no way around it. He had spent his morning splashing around in the nearby lake, chasing after crayfish and minnows. Drying out had turned into a nap, one he was slowly rising out of at that moment in time. The pesky fly returned, irritating the fine fur inside his ear and with a grunt he sat up to scratch at it with his long, gangly hind paw. He had grown into his height, but not yet his bulk. Motion was getting trickier and trickier.

Well, now that I'm up... He thought to himself, yawning out a tongue curling yawn that ended with him shiver-shaking up to his feet. He wobbled towards the shore once more, trying to regain his balance. His head spun pleasantly from a long rest. The young male lay at the edge of the water and looked deep into it, as deep as he could see, trying to see any fish lurking beyond. Until this point he hadn't seen anything larger than minnows, so it surprised him to see a large walleye skulking about in the murk. Tiberious had never tasted a fish before, but he knew they were made of meat. With the idea upon him there was no turning back. Tiberious crouched down with a grin on his face, raised his rump and wiggled it, preparing himself for the the leap. He checked his bearings just once and then his long hind legs propelled him into the water. He gleeful howl turned into a startled yelp as his body crashed through the surface. It's a lot deeper here! He thought to himself in a panic, clawing his way back to the surface. "S-s-so cold!" An image of all the waterways clogged with ice flashed hatefully through his mind. "I know," he grumbled to himself. He dragged his sodden body back to the shore and onto dry land, finally letting out a relieved chuckle at his own actions, hoping no one had seen his blunder.

Speech, Thoughts.