
Our Future within the Young Eyes



9 Years
Extra large
10-29-2018, 07:01 PM

He watched his kids bounce around, their energy never seeming to end. It often reminded him of his days as a pup and how he would continuously pester his older brother. He was surprised to see Jewell appearing first to the meeting. He had been busy with the pups, but when he did go out on patrols he had noticed a decent number of holes in the territory. He didn't know what had been creating them though, and never thought it would be Jewell. Her smile was soft and didn't have the spark it used to. It tugged at him, but he didn't know how he could help. After her outburst at the borders he wasn't sure what he could do, if anything, to help. He smiled back at her, his tail wagging in greeting before the voice of one of his daughters pulled his attention away. She was curious about Jewell's colorful pelt. He smiled at her words before bending down to her and ruffleing the fur on her head with his nose.

"That is a wolf, a uniquely colored wolf," he replied.

Zell arrived next and Frost saw the surprised look on his face. He grinned at the man as he spoke.

"Thank you It's wonderful to finally experience," he said.

The newer, yet young member of the pack. The male he had found dehydrated and lethargic after traveling through the desert. He nodded to him with a smile and wag of his tail before his attention averted to others who arrived. Kairi, Rin, Ara, and a female that was unfamiliar to him. She seemed to be close to Ara, but it wasn't Athena. His attention turned back to Star and he smiled at her reassuring her that it was alright. The rest of Jewell's kids filed in, all but two. Bringing up the rear was both Torin and Derecho. A twinkle shown in Frost's eyes as he recognized the closeness of their travel. It almost reminded him of him and Star's younger days. He greeted both of them with nods before they took thier seats. Turning his attention pack to the pack he cleared his throat.

"Good day everyone and thank you for attending. I would first like to start this meeting off with meeting our five youngest members, me and Star's children. Anoixi, Eira, Eurus, Fawn, and Valanga," He stated before looking to Torin and giving him a nod to lead on.

"Frost Talk", & 'Frost Think'

ooc: Please allow Torin to post First in round two, then others can fallow.