
As Good as I Ever Was



2 Years

Treat 2019
10-30-2018, 01:28 PM

It seemed that Shaye was making good on her promise to provide them with training, since it wasn't long after the healer training that a masculine voice called the pack again, this time for fight training. Arpeggio's ears pricked with interest. Fight training. Her mother would turn in her grave to know that her baby girl was going to be fighting - not because she disapproved of fighting, though she would certainly have been saddened at the necessity, but because Peggy was her youngest, her baby, and she'd undoubtedly be worried despite the feisty nature she had known Peggy possessed. But Peggy firmed her jaw and lifted her head high. She hadn't known enough about fighting to stop the Abraxas takeover of the pack, when she was a yearling. She'd promised young Corvus that things would get better, that she'd make sure of it. And she was going to be ready and prepared to keep that promise, come hell or high water. If that meant fighting for that better tomorrow then she damn well would.

In a bounding run, she breezed past Corvus' den with a yip for her cousin if he was still there. "Cor! I'll race you there!" she barked, then broke into a sprint.

She skidded in to where they were meeting, panting and glancing around to see if she'd beaten Corvus or if he'd been ready enough for her challenge for the much longer-legged boy to make up the distance. He might not even have been at his den when she'd made her flyby.

She wasn't entirely surprised to see Shaye and the tall dark male there already when she power-slid across the level ground to a halt, though she was disappointed and a little worried that Caelestis hadn't beaten her there. She'd thought the fiery young woman would jump at the chance to be in fight training, and had been looking forward to seeing her there and maybe sparring with her. Well, maybe she was just faster than everyone else. The run had definitely warmed up her young body's muscles, and she was more than ready to get this started. "Shaye," she greeted with a carefully-casual tilt of her head to the alpha, though her eyes sparked and gleamed from the run.
