
What Hurts The Most


5 Years
Athena I
07-09-2013, 06:16 PM

Meili looked at her man suspiciously, not quite believing that he was really not hungry. She was about to insist on getting him some more food but he distracted her with a playful bump to her chin and that infectious grin of his. If he said he wasn't hungry then she wasn't going to argue with him. She decided, however, that if she happened to see some other prey around she would go after it for him, no questions asked. Hunting was no problem for her and if that was one way she could take care of him she would do it. She liked doing little things like this to show that she cared for him and thought that she could never do enough for him. Meili was selfless by nature so it was only natural for her to put him before herself.

A matching grin crossed her muzzle and she reached over to bump his chin in return with her muzzle. She stood, taking the leftover pieces of rabbit in her jaws, and tossed the remains of her breakfast out into a nearby shrub for the bugs and scavengers of the forest. "What would you like to do now, my big man?" She asked, chuckling a little to herself at her variant of his "little woman" name for her. Somehow it didn't feel near as endearing as his name for her. She'd have to keep working on that one.
