
need you to stay


07-09-2013, 06:36 PM

Night had claimed the lands of their new home, revealing them to be something entirely different from what they were in the day. Angeal had found his attention captured by the glittering lights of the water. What made them do that? He hadn't seen something like that, not even in the vast expanses of his old home. No, these were strangely different. They were beautiful, for sure, but different from anything that Angeal might have expected. He had seen them before, but tonight was the first time that he was truly sitting down to appreciate them.

There was only thing missing, the black male thought, though perhaps to be more accurate it could be said that there was only one wolf missing. Liste. The lovely female that he had joined Ludicael with. With that on his mind, however, the male tipped his head back and let a howl escape him. It was fairly quiet, in respect for the fact that it was the middle of the night, but it clearly requested Liste's presence. She could chose to come or ignore it as she saw fit.

Meanwhile, Angeal would wait, his black tail wrapped easily around his paws as he stared thoughtfully out at the glittering waters. They were lovely. But what had he done to deserve such luck? Nothing. Angeal was a monster. Just for tonight, though, he was going to try and put that aside and pay attention to Liste as she deserved.
