
Earth's Pull



5 Years
Dire wolf
10-30-2018, 07:04 PM

Circe frowned in disappointment as Pnuma stirred. She'd been hoping he would remain unconscious until the journey was at least underway. If he'd stirred after he'd been slung across her back and after she was well on her way to the band, then he'd have had little choice but to go along with it.

She didn't have to worry about rejection, though. Pnuma, his voice was heavy with the weight of the sedatives, consented. His slurred words caused Circe to brighten visibly.

Circe took a step back and eyeballed Pnuma from nose to rump. He was no cousin Seth, but he wasn't some great big hulking behemoth, either. She was confident she could carry him. "Alright, Pnuma," she touched his crown gently so he'd stir enough to listen. "You're in no condition to be walking right now so I'm going to carry you."

She knelt down beside him and wormed her paws under his back. "On the count of three I'm going to pick you up, alright? Three..." Circe began to worm her way under his back. When her head was under his ribs, she said, "Two..." She continued to wiggle until his middle was across the middle of her back. "One." The whole process from start to finish was over in a matter of seconds.

For several beats Circe stood still to get a feel for his weight. Unable to contain her excitement any longer, she then grinned. Oh, this was gonna be good.

-exit Circe-

"Circe" "Gwydion"

Circe has a male spitting cobra companion named Gwydion. Unless stated otherwise he is always with Circe.

Wanna plot with Circe? Check out the miscellaneous section on her profile!