
As Good as I Ever Was



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-31-2018, 05:00 PM
Corvus wasn't sure what the hell he was doing. Abaven seemed weird now - not that it hadn't always been a bit weird, at least from how he remembered it. It was full of wolves that were both family and yet strangers, who seemed intent on restoring Abaven to some kind of glory, like back when his parents had been kids. He wasn't fully trusting of them, if he was being honest, but with his mom sick and his dad preoccupied with her he wasn't about to bother either of them with his worries. Even Peggy had promised him that things would get better, and he was trying to believe her, even if deep down he really didn't. The sound of a rather unfamiliar call ringing out across the lands momentarily startled him, though he slowly roused to lift himself onto all fours and head toward the front of his den.

The sound of approaching pawsteps made him pause, though he quickly came to reality when he heard Peggy's voice. At least she was a constant presence, and he found himself growing more fond of his cousin lately, leaning on her when he wasn't sure who else to go to. Despite dreading a training session, he found himself grinning slightly and moving to follow after her. She had a pretty good lead on him, and instead of replying he simply took off after her, racing toward the group that had gathered. Though he gained some distance on her, she still (unsurprisingly) beat him. Still, the brief sprint had left him feeling in a slightly better mood, more energetic than when he'd first heard the call, and he offered his cousin a friendly grin. "Morning," he offered her, panting slightly. He turned his attention to the two older, darker-coated wolves, dipping his muzzle in quiet respect. Though unsure how much this would benefit anyway - maybe he was just naturally cynical - he was willing to give it an honest shot, to better himself for his family.