
As Good as I Ever Was

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-31-2018, 08:03 PM
As Rhyme's call came to an end his bicolored eyes returned to the horizon in time to see Shaye appear in the clearing. He smiled at her figure as she made her way to his side. She was the reason he had come so far so quickly and he wasn't about to disappoint her now. He nodded in return as the next arrival came skidding to a halt before them. He raised an eyebrow at the young Peggy, he believed her name was. She had been at healer training before this. He smiles at her as well as she greeted Shaye warmly. 

The next to drop in Rhyme wasn't sure he recognized at all, had she been at the first meeting? He smiles warmly at her eagerness as she picked herself up and dusted herself off. He shook his head in amusement as the last wolf he expected to see appeared. 

Little rose colored Vail, the lead healer of Abaven. "Are you here to make sure no one gets hurt?" He asked the dainty woman as she came to sit before him. 

He was distracted one more time by what he assumed would be the last arrival, a large young man who seemed more comfortable with the younger wolves. He seemed respectful and Rhyme couldn't help but take a liking to the boy on first impressions. He nodded back in greeting before having a look around to see if anyone else might show up. 

"Well if this is everyone we might as well get started. Welcome to warrior training everyone, my name is Rhyme and I'll be your instructor today." He found a confidence that was projected through his voice. "To start I thought we might be a little unconventional. We are going to stage a mock battle. Vail will stand back with me while Shaye and.. Peggy right? Will be on one side and the other two on the opposite team. I'd appreciate having both of your names," he encouraged as he backed away a bit. "I'd like to gauge your skills before we get into one on one bouts. So, when you're ready begin."

Ooc- I'm thinking two rounds for the mock battle- everyone okay with 3 day time limit on fight rounds?