
Burn, or freeze? - Adoptions



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
11-03-2018, 12:58 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2018, 10:02 PM by Malleus.)
OOC Name: Lazuli
Character Name: Juno
Design: Bring your own, use one provided, or ask for a custom.
Appearance: Site minimum.
Personality: The secrecy that dominated his childhood has shaped him far more than he'll ever realize. For one so young Juno is as skeptical as they come. He's wary of strangers and inclined to believe the worst in people until proven otherwise. Having learned from an early age to keep his head down and his mouth closed, Juno has (until this point) done his best to fly under the radar. Among strangers he's quiet and unassuming, not for lack of an opinion but for safety's sake.

Around those he trusts Juno is a completely different wolf. Without the burden of hiding hanging over his head, Juno is free to be himself and what he is, hooo buddy, is a mad scientist. The boy lives to make things. He squirrels away baubles and knickknacks better than any magpie in the hopes that one day he'll find a use for them. In this department his imagination knows no bounds. If he can think it, he can make it. Or at the very least he can come up with a plan someone with thumbs can use to make the thing.

Alignment: True Neutral

Pack position: He was too young to have one, but he was training to be a craft-maker/trader like his adoptive mother.

History: Juno is the youngest son of Eira and Mars, and is partially the reason Eira vanished. Ignatius' brother, in his bid to reclaim the throne, first plotted to get rid of Eira. Through circumstances I'm happy to leave murky so I don't hog Eira or Ignatius' brother, Ignatius' brother forced Eira to leave. She resisted his threats (and the threats of his followers) for awhile, but upon learning she was pregnant a second time and fearing for the safety of her unborn pups, she ran. Hounded by Ignatius' loyal followers, Eira was forced to give birth in secret and leave her pup(s) with a trusted friend before she disappeared. This friend, a talented crafter, dyed Juno black to disguise his fire and ice markings and pass him off as her child. Juno has always known that he's different. His adoptive mother had to tell him something to keep him quiet about the dye that had to be touched up constantly. She refused to tell him specific details, though, and it wasn't until his first birthday (which coincided with the explosion) that his adoptive mother told him the truth about his parentage.

RP Sample: 100 word min, but I encourage more for you to get a feel for the char.

Plots: Juno wants to meet his blood family. He doesn't know which ones hate him (only that at least one is the reason he was raised in secret) and is wary of all of them, but he feels entitled to his family's name and is determined to claim his birthright. So ideally he'll track down some of his family, stalk them a bit to get a feel for whether or not they'll try to kill him (I haven't decided how much he knows, maybe he only knows who his real parents are now, idk), and then try to convince them that he's their little brother.

Goals: I want him to connect with his family. The adopted son of a simple trader, I'm guessing his upbringing was very different than his siblings. He'll be used to hardship and hunger, and while I haven't worked out his personality yet, that will have shaped him and it might make it difficult for him to connect with them.
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.