
It's in Your Blood



8 Years

Treat 2019
11-04-2018, 06:40 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2018, 06:41 PM by Eisleif.)

The ice and snow around the silvery she wolf made her feel at home, though she felt the loneliness like an icicle through her heart. Her family was miles and miles away, but she had been determined to go out and find her own way. The stubbornness of her own decision might have been what kept her from returning to Neith’s side, but the fresh scent of adventure was behind every glacier.

The striped Viking child found the base of the colliding glaciers, her bright eyes unable to deter her spirit in wanting to reach the top of them. Even with the summer sun the cold of the North was evident in the breeze and the snow that lingered on the earth. The climb would be a challenge, but what was worth having if you did not have to fight for it. She found herself smirking at the slippery path that teased her, and with little more hesitation she started up the almost path.

Her journey was just as difficult as she expected for it to unfold. She slipped more times than she wished to remember and as she began to reach the zenith once more her front leg erred and her chin was bashed against the hard ice. Eisleif sucked her breath in at the sting and broken skin. Blood welled up in the superficial wound, but she again regained her footing and completed her mission.

All of the North lay sprawled out before her, and she was still and silent in her awe. Her brilliant gaze took in the scenery as she turned to take in all before her. With a triumphant feeling welling in her breast she pulled back her head and howled long into the intense wind that whipped all around her. She had won against the elements.                                      