
As Good as I Ever Was

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-04-2018, 06:49 PM
The fighter training seemed to gather a much more excited crowd then any other yet. With first Arpeggio bounding into view, offering her a quick greeting. Shaye nodded her head in return, a smile hinted at in the corner of her muzzle, as she gave the girl an approving smile. After all, it had been Arpeggio who had pushed for training.

Next was Caelestis, who appeared with a great deal more energy and vigor then she had when Shaye had first met her. She seemed happier too, grinning as she placed herself down beside the orange wolf. Next would be Vail, a face Shaye was slightly surprised to see in attendance. Of course, it was good to have the lead healer present when there was fighting going on. She let her nuzzle reach forward and brush against Vail’s in greeting, before settling herself down again.

Corvus would arrive, signalling the last of those to turn up for before Rhyme began the meeting. She gave the brown coated young wolf a quick nod in return to his morning greeting, and another smile. She was eager to see them participating.

Rhyme would lay out his plan quickly enough, and Shaye moved to the indicated area. She would have Peggy on her side, with Corvus and Cael on the other side. She stretched quickly, before letting her body fall into what was becoming a familiar stance.
She spread out her paws, digging her claws into the earth. She bent her knees slightly, strengthening her center of gravity. She lowered her head, tucking her chin in and raising her shoulders forward, bunching the skin around her neck. She narrowed her eyes to make them a smaller target, and pinned her ears to her skull.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.