
ABAVEN Hunting Lesson

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-04-2018, 07:01 PM
Four wolves would attend her hunter training, which was a decent showing considering wolves need to attend three separate trainings, and she was not informing them to attend all of them. She wanted them to step into one's they were comfortable with, and give her a chance to see their abilities and find wolves to raise up in the ranks.

Rhyme she expected to see at every training, and he appeared with an easy lope, and she would not to him as Solor appeared. She hadn’t expected the latter wolf to attend anything but the healer training, so she gave him a grateful smile. Allegro was definitely a face she expected to see here, her newest hunter in the pack. She had a feeling he would go a long way, already knowing exactly what path he wanted to take in Abaven - that of a hunter. She gave her tail a little sweep behind her, showing her pleasure to him as he sat before her.

Next was Rhea, a quiet young wolf that Shaye hadn’t had a chance to spend any time with yet. She would spare a grateful nod to her as well, before bringing the meeting to a start. “Thank you all for coming. As you all know, I’m Shaye Destruction, the new Alpha here. I’m pleased to bring some new opportunities to the wolves here, a chance to rise within the pack, learn new skills, and just have some fun.” she flashed a grin to them all, her tail swishing against the ground behind her. “To begin, let’s make our way to the herd spots, near to Sunset Falls.” with that, she would usher the group from the pack lands and into the bordering territory. “First one to catch the scent of the herd gets to play chaser.” she said with a laugh, before laying out her plan. “We’ll make our way around the herd, and line up our main group in the underbrush in teams of two. The final wolf will startle the herd and sheppard them towards us. As they approach, the teams will pick a target to take down, one target for each team. Any questions?” she would ask they walked.


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