
Philly Kids!? {Closed~}



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
11-05-2018, 10:30 PM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2018, 12:32 PM by Philomena.)
Yes indeed, ya'll heard right. I've been inactive for so long that Philomena has gone and had some offsite kiddos! I have a potential plot father for a one night stand in a character Asena is bringing in as well! The father, however, will not know these kids exist {at least yet. It's up to IC interactions and stuff to determine if he ever finds out!}

Before I get too far into this please note that if these kids are too inactive {a month or more} I reserve the right to take them back. These are precious children... and Philomena means a great deal to me so I'll be very, very picky on who gets a kid. However I love all you guys so you'll probably make it a hard choice!

So back onto what you need to know. You've already got a gist of a father -- someone who the kids don't know. They'll be born in Autumn and WILL need pup passes! Philly will have had these children on the outskirts of Boreas somewhere so they'll be easing back into the lands. They will be living in Firefly Lake once accepted!

Notes on the parents:: Mainly browns, tans, earthy colors in the main coats. HOWEVER! Monochrome colors and blues, golds, and oranges run in the lines! Other odd colors are not out of the question but please ask me before providing your own design with these. <3 Also odd colors would be more limited on the design. No fullbody odd colors this time, please!

As for plots, well, Philomena will eventually still be going for her pack. But hey, lets shake things up with babies first, right? We can plot together! I'm done for anything, really. Keep in mind Philomena has a slightly more chaotic outlook but is not necessarily evil! No evil pup applications or they'll be denied. Troublemakers in the chaotic range are good though.

For reference, here is Philomena's design::

Now as for potential designs... there are none yet, technically! HOWEVER! I am willing to allow a twin, maned or not, of my boyo Evangelos. His design is the brown/tan one here! The other design is Dragon's so no touchy!

That said your child doesn't require a mutation but it'd definitely be accepted! Manes are preferred and hairstyle can vary! Message me about others though, please~

Now! This is the form ya'll will need. <3

Name: --- Hellstrom-Lore
Gender:: Male or Female
Design:: Twin of Evangelos or your own?
Alignment:: Anywhere from good to neutral with a chaotic twist allowed~
Plot Ideas and or Plans?::
Can you purchase the passes required?::
Anything else?::

Apps will be open til Saturday / Sunday at least!

If you are interested but want to see more designs let me know and I'll see what I can do~

I am not yet sure how many pups I'll be accepting. Could be one, could be three! We'll see!
  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!