
Friends of a feather

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-06-2018, 01:58 PM

Feather had wanted to stretch her wings, and see lands other then Abaven. She was happy to oblige her little companion. She crossed the rapids, the little Tree Swallow fluttering ahead of her on confident wings. The Stone Steppe was a territory she had yet to explore, and with its close proximity to Abaven, it had only been a matter of time.

It was a short hike, her soft lope was comfortable, and she maintained it with ease. Soft grasses under her paw met her on the other side of Abaven, and she slowed as the stone assemblement met her gaze. There seemed to be a strange order to the placement of stone, a ring across grass and mud. She stepped gingerly over a fallen block, sniffing at the mossy creation. Feather danced across the tops of the stones, her brilliant blue colors bringing life to the greys.

Shaye laughed and shook her head at the creatures antics, and continued her careful exploration. She almost missed the cry of a hunting bird, before the kestrel fell from the sky, talons extended. The hunting bird was hardly bigger then her little friend, and its first blow sent Feather tumbling on to a three-tier stone build, before it circled for another go around.

Howling with rage, Shaye used a fallen, angled block as her launching pad, running across it and springing into the air. The circle of the kestrel fell into her reach, and her teeth clipped its wings, throwing it off balance as it tumbled to the ground. Shaye’s paws hit the ground shortly afterwards, and she turned rapidly, pouncing on the creature and snapping its head. She had no desire to admire how pretty the small hunting bird had been, her thoughts only for what it had done, and the fate of her bird. “Feather?” she called out, already angling toward the stone wall the bird had crumpled against. “Feather!” her cries grew more desperate, and her paws scrambled against the stone, but she couldn't bring herself high enough to see the bird.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.