
Channeling Miyagi [meeting]



5 Years
11-06-2018, 03:22 PM

Serene Validis

The golden woman laid peacefully in their den, sound asleep thanks to the exhausting past couple of days. Since the move, Serene had been busy trying to get everything settled in, which included but was not limited to; all of her children, the pack members, the garden, den, etc. She was a busy bee, but even the queen bee needs a little shut eye here and there. Thankfully, the pups had all made the trip, which put a little ease back on the worrying mother, but still she fret over new dangers arising at every turn. The vision Ashiel had still haunted the woman's dreams, often resulting in late night adventures away from the den, trying to force her body to work until complete exhaustion. That way her mind would be too tired to force such horrid dreams upon her sleeping form.

Thankfully she had gotten a few hours rest before Malleus call echoed through the halls like a commanding drum, almost as if he was in the den with them. She would slowly stir, allowing her son to scamper off to the meeting before her. Gods, it was incredible how much her pups had grown. Nearly six months of age, her tiny, helpless, squirming pups were no more. Now, her boys set off on adventures she knew hardly any about except for the few they elect to share with her, and her daughters, they were growing into such beautiful women Serene could nearly bring herself to tears just thinking about. Where had the time gone? How long would it be before they left her side completely?

Shaking her crown of such heavy thoughts, the mother stood to her full height, stretching out aching muscles before trotting her way down to the great hall. When her golden form slipped based the archway, amber eyes would gleam at the sight before her. Her beloved, standing proudly at the head of the room, looking completely comfortable in his position as alpha. She smiled softly to herself, remembering a conversation long ago, where her silver king thought himself merely a substitute. Just look how far you've come, Malleus. Slender legs would carry her slowly towards the gathering group, wanting to savior this moment for all of time. Next to her beloved mate, sat two of her sons; both looking strong and handsome as ever, their bond inseparable and their pride evident. She could not be more proud of Aureus and Pyrrhic, her little princes.

Another wide smile would pull at the corner of her lips upon seeing a familiar white and cheery coat among the gathered wolves. Maeva, Ashiel's daughter, who Serene took in to help feed and raise until she was strong and weaned. In the golden woman's eyes, Maeva was another daughter of hers; the Gods simply didn't think five youngsters were enough and Maeva needed to live. Beside the young girl was her father, Ashiel, already going to work speaking with Malleus about something. There was a woman she did not recognize, but Ashiel and Malleus seemed to be very excited about her arrival, so Serene assumed she would hear about her sooner or later. Shilah was already here, which was a bit of a surprise to Serene, but if she was being honest, any pups already at the meeting surprised her. Usually the youngsters were far too occupied to hurry along to a gathering. Another male was present as well, but once again Serene was drawing a blank. She did not know this young man, but if he was still alive and within these halls, she assumed Malleus knew of his existence and welcomed him. She would have to make note to introduce herself later.

At last the golden queen approached Malleus with a gentle sway of her tail, honey eyes showing warmth and love as she scanned his features. "Hello, my love." Her voice would be soft, for his ears only as she placed a brief, affectionate kiss upon his cheek before turning to sit by his side. Her eyes would then turn to Ashiel and Maeva, smiling brightly, "Greetings Ashiel, little Maeva." Though she tried to resist, Serene would inevitably give in and quickly sneak in a little kiss on top of the girls autumn crown, her motherly instincts too prominent even for Maeva. Finally, Serene would turn her gaze upon her children, offering a loving smiling to the both of them. She did not speak her pride, but it showed through her eyes as she dipped her head in approval.

Now, if only the others would come...

