
Marry me?



7 Years
11-06-2018, 03:55 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2018, 03:56 PM by Solor.)


Solor was as nervous as a mouse that knew a raptor was in the air. He had spoken to Shaye formally, as the Alpha of his pack and the main remaining member of Vail’s family. The talk had gone down well, Shaye had set aside her amusement and spoken to him honestly and truthfully. The band had been her idea, and he had carefully dyed it pale blue, a symbol to match the beautiful colors of her shrouded eyes.

He held the twince carefully in his maw as he made his way to their shared den, not far from the herb garden they had built together. It was early morning, the sun just beginning to peek through the remainders of the night, and there was a chill to the air around him. There was a hint of fog lingering in the air, the remainders of a cold night. He could hear the rapids from here, a continuous, familiar burble, and hear the sound of birds as they woke to the morning sun and began to hunt for worms to full their bellies.

None of this beauty could distract him from the zing of fear that seemed to tremble in his bones. He was really doing this, he was really going to ask her the one question that mattered. He was going to tie his life to hers - Vail willing - and ensure their future together.

He arrived quietly to the densite, and seated himself outside of it. He placed his burden down at his feet, and tucked it, hidden under his paw. His tail sweeped nervously behind him, before he cleared his throat. He let out a soft bark, calling out to Vail, weather she was within, or at her herb garden, as she often was. Her white form was often seen navigating through the plants with startling grace.