
36 Painful Truths Only Siblings Will Understand



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
11-06-2018, 05:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2018, 05:04 PM by Ignatius.)
He may have messed up here starting a mud fight, but hey, seeing Sephira's pelt go from it's usual well-kept look to being smeared all down one side with great big globs of muck? Priceless. And a fitting revenge for all the pestering and torment he'd endured as of late. His sides were in pain from the laughter that bubbled up from his chest, eyes burning with tears and lungs screaming for oxygen as Seph picked herself up out of the mud and he fought to maintain a playful pose. For once there was a genuine, delighted grin on his face. Seph on the other hand, clearly was preparing to retaliate. Oh, wow, could he even compose himself before she came flying at him?

No, no he could not. Seph was fleet of foot and Ig wasn't really doing his best here anyway, the image of Seph becoming a big grey-brown lump of silt and mud was overwhelming. She barreled into him and he lost his footing, getting mud smeared over his left side and landing heavily on his right with a splat. Not one to let things go, he got a front leg under him and was quick to dart forward, jaws seeking to grasp her right front leg and hopefully pull it towards him, knocking her over again so her right side could match her left.

The proposed adventure was forgotten and all Ig could think about was how to finish the job of splattering Sephira entirely with mud. All that trouble making had to be tiring, she deserved a good mud bath.