
Sprouting new growth- KESALI recruitment!



4 Years
Extra large
11-06-2018, 09:25 PM

It was finally time, he felt it strong within his heart. He felt like his great grandmothers were guiding him, pushing him. Though he only had his sister by his side (unaware that his brother was here also) he felt it was time to raise his pack from the dirt and bring it to life. He had at least one pack that he had spoken to already and Shaye seemed more then happy for an alliance. He had begun early in the morning heading towards the battlefield. His plans were simple to call those seeking a home, seeking a pack. He would tell them of his pack and hopefully find the souls that would fit. He was optimistic and he was filled with hope. He would honor his family and create a place that his family could join him if they would want to settle. He knew it may be far stretched thinking, but he still hoped that his family would join him.

He didn't rush his travel even though his nerves wanted him to. He wanted to run to the place and get his call over with, but he had to take time to think over what he would say. What questions other would ask of him. He did have to prove that his pack would be a desirable home. He had to be prepared, yet not stiff enough to turn others away. His smile grew as he eased his mind trying to focus on getting there and making his call. Focusing on happier thoughts and memories to help calm his nerves. When he finally reached the battlefield he took a moment to look around at the barren land, a land that looked like it lacked any life. Here he would hopefully find others. Pushing on he headed deep into the middle of the battlefield, finding a rather flat spot.

Lifting his head a deep calling howl bellowed from his deep chest. Calling fourth any loners looking for a home, anyone interested in joining a pack. Calling anyone nearby and anyone a distance away. He howled until he was out of breath and lowered his head, huffing and looking around. Remaining alert as he waited to see if any would come, would answer his call.

"Speech" 'Think'