
Gloves are comin' off [Kirsi]



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
11-06-2018, 10:25 PM

Of course when Sephira showed up he should've guessed it was possible that others would appear. Maybe deep down he'd known it was likely but chose not to admit it fully. Either way, having Kirsi here before him felt like he was having the wind knocked out of him again and again the longer he looked at her. There was a horrible constricting feeling in his chest. Not knowing what was the truth and what wasn't made this even more painful - how could he know if what she said was true? Kaius was obviously a liar and a sick twisted monster, but her reaction didn't tell him what he'd hoped to hear.

"This was all your brother's doing," she said.

Red and blue eyes flashing, Ig felt a bitter laugh bubbling up from his chest. With a shake of his head he fought to remain composed. He wasn't just fighting with the heartbreak and betrayal he felt because of Kirsi, no, that anger and resentment, that wrathful fire he'd been brewing ever since he'd decided Kaius' life was forfeit the minute he got within a mile of Ignatius again was all coming back to the surface along with it. "I was well aware of that," he began, gaze locking back onto hers as he spoke in the most deadly serious tone he'd probably ever used in his life, much less with Kirsi, "From the very second I laid eyes on my sister's body."

There was pain in his face as he regarded her for a bit. Despite his best efforts to conceal his feelings beneath a mask of anger, Ignatius never had been able to escape the fact that he always wore his emotions plain as day, etched on his features so well almost anyone could read them without much effort. Casting his eyes skyward, he drew a breath. Trying to believe that Kirsi hadn't been involved was clearly not going to work anymore. Truth be told, he'd even tried making up excuses for what that bastard brother told him, but suddenly they seemed foolish and incapable of blanketing over the reality of what he was sure he was going to discover as this conversation went on. Living in ignorance suddenly seemed preferable. Perhaps then he could easily forgive her and move on. But... no. If he didn't know the truth, he'd still never trust her again the way he had once before.

"Enough. He told me that you are a part of it, from the very beginning. That it was all a lie, a plot to take the throne from me and that you played me like an instrument. That you helped-" He couldn't finish that thought. Should he have seen it coming? Hadn't Sephira had some beef with her? Maybe if he'd been a little less smitten... "Are you going to tell me something different?" He wished she would. He wished he'd believe it.