
Vespers of Summer



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
11-06-2018, 10:43 PM
After spending one rainy evening here, Ignatius had decided that since one day hadn't killed him, he may as well go ahead and push his luck now that the weather was more agreeable and he could actually see the land he was meaning to explore. Mountains, after all, had always been a point of interest for Ignatius and he meant to get some good exploring done in the northern terrain. Originally he'd planned to leave as the seasons turned, but he was finding it harder and harder to hold himself to that as the season wore on. Really, he'd love to stay where the altitude was high and the snow layered the ground for a greater portion of the year. It'd be smarter to go where there were more herbs clinging to life though before the frosts really came.

He'd spent the better part of the morning working the kinks and knots out of his body from sleeping in a poorly made den on hard ground. Normally he at least had some time to gather something to sleep on, but the other night he'd been caught in the remnants of that storm and, well, things just hadn't gone according to plan. Now though he was about as stretched and prepared for exploring as he was going to get, so Ig finally began wandering down one of the many treacherous paths that wound their ways along the mountain pass.

As he trekked through the rocky terrain he'd caught the scent of a stranger. Ignatius had hoped it was old, but it only got stronger as he marched along his chosen route. Part of him really hoped he could remain alone a little longer. Maybe if this wasn't another Sephi he'd be alright, but just the same he did his best to keep his gaze looking straight ahead. If there was someone nearby, he certainly wasn't about to go out of his way to say hello. Not that he was trying to be unfriendly- well, alright, maybe he was, but not in a bad way! Just in a "social interaction isn't really my preferred activity" kind of way.