
10 ways siblings can suck the life out of you



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
11-07-2018, 10:15 AM
This was why he'd allowed himself to put off telling her. Much as Ig wanted to conceal it, his heart was soft and it pained him to see the anguish on Sephira's face, mirroring his own when he'd first seen Avis that day. It only served to fuel his fury, that deep and slow burning hatred he was cultivating for Kauis so that on the day they saw each other again Ignatius could unleash every bit of pent up rage. Well, if Seph didn't get to him first and tear him limb from limb before Ig even arrived on the scene. Honestly, it was a real possibility, and one he probably would enjoy seeing played out.

If only he could be shocked that their older half-sibling was capable of this. Would it be better to have not seen it coming? At least then he wouldn't feel sort of guilty. Despite his best efforts, something kept nagging at him, telling him that even though he didn't do it he was still responsible for Avis' death. If he'd been prepared, if he'd kept a better eye on Kaius, if he'd had better instincts or been somehow stronger maybe he could've saved her. "I want to see the life leave his eyes," Ig murmured, expression dark. He wouldn't be satisfied until his fangs were buried in the man's throat, until he felt the hot blood on his tongue and watched the murderer draw his last rattling breath.

Sephira's realization pulled him from his vengeful thoughts, bringing him back to a practical state of mind despite his desire to continue daydreaming about how he could strangle the life out of Kaius. Oddly enough, she was right. Peace was a temporary illusion. There was no way they'd be left to live on in exile. It was too risky, especially knowing Ig and Seph... "I..." He couldn't say what he wanted to. Couldn't swear up and down that they'd be beyond ready, that they'd take their home by storm one day, make Kaius and his affiliates pay and live as they were meant to one day. With a shuddering breath, Ignatius glanced skyward, sighing and watching faint traces of his breath fog in the air, curling away and disappearing only a moment later as the rain pelted them both.

"I swear on my life we will do out best, Seph. Whatever it takes." That was the best he could do, but it hardly felt like enough.