
Mid-day musings

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-08-2018, 08:52 AM
Rhyme felt no animosity coming from the she wolf as she realized his presence. She was colored simply, but in appealing hues. Her relaxed posture made his smile creep up his lips as she turned and stepped more near. He took the invitation to close the distance so they might not have to yell at each other over the gusty wind. While outwardly she seems comfortable in his presence Rhyme couldn't know the caution behind her eyes. 

He held no intention of causing her harm, she had done nothing to garner his rage. Overall she seemed rather pleasant company. His tail swayed pendulum like behind his confidently held form, a stark contrast to the cowering slave he had been months prior.  He holds a friendly smile as well as her gaze as she returns his greeting with ease, even offering an explanation for her current position. He nods in understanding, feeling the oppressive heat upon his dark fur. She even offers her name as she asks for his own. 

"Pleased to meet you, Thorne. I am Rhyme Imperialis second alpha of Abaven, at your service." He bowed his head slightly, "Out scouting borderlands of the pack. I wondered if you might have seen anything unusual in your time here." If he could glean the information from her he might get a clue as to any threats that might linger here. Of course she could lie to him, but that was what Imperia was for. She could confirm any oddities Thorne offered up. Hopefully no bears or rogue bands lingered close.