
I'll find myself, anon



7 Years
11-08-2018, 01:37 PM
Home was still changing. Determining whether it was more for the good or bad was becoming an impossible task though. Her parents... well, she'd been worrying for them for some time now and she could feel that her brothers were too. Sometimes Rhea took off by herself, despite how lonely she usually found alone time to be, just so she could get a bit of a breather and relax from the usual stress and tension. Sometimes she liked to listen the the water of the rapids, other times she'd go hunting along in the dense brush of the rustling thicket. It wasn't ever what she really wanted though. Mostly, Rhea just wanted some company. Maybe she should spend some time getting to know Peggy...

After dancing along the border uncertainly for a while - for she was not nearly as wild and brave as that Caelestis girl she often saw racing in and out of the pack lands going to who knew where - Rhea finally decided to go on her own little adventure. Maybe not too far though... Just, a little ways out? Creeping through the forest and keeping close to the river so she might find her way back easier, the young woman surveyed the area with wide, curious green eyes. It was beautiful out here. With the seasons turning, the trees were changing colors and looking somehow even more beautiful than usual.

Her paws slipped on some loose rocks and they clattered beneath her as she scrambled to regain her balance on her lanky limbs. Even as she matured, Rhea wasn't really proportioning out how she'd hoped. She was more slender and long than she'd have liked. Maybe it'd look better on someone who was above average in height, but for her she just felt like she probably looked like an eternally long-limbed yearling. Her eyes caught movement ahead of her and for a moment she froze, hoping that if it was a stranger they hadn't seen her flailing about, and if it was someone she knew that they weren't about to laugh at her.