
Mid-day musings

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-09-2018, 07:02 PM
With his new freedom changing to constructive responsibility Rhyme felt more comfortable in his skin. In the slavers pack he had always walked on eggshells so as not to anger his captors. Not for his sake, he could withstand his own pain, but for his mother. He hated that they used their threats against her to keep him in line and doing what they wanted him to. Now, with his father and mother reunited and the giant of a man there to protect her Rhyme felt as light as a feather. 

He was not sorry when she mentioned that she hadn't seen anything, his pack was safe from threats in this direction at least. He smiled at her words and flicked his tail happily. Rhyme let her continue as she admitted she was new to the area. She went on to even ask about the area, of course he was happy to oblige. Abaven had no secrets he was worried about revealing. 

"You've no need to be sorry, no news is good news." He smiled contentedly, "Abaven resides close by, the borders are difficult to miss. I would advise keeping this side of them unless you have a desire to be attacked. I imagine most packs you come across react to strangers on their land similarly." he paused as he thought about his next words, "However, if you wished to join I would happily accompany you." He offered her his most charming smile, but he knew she wasn't likely to take up his offer.