
Baby Please?


07-09-2013, 08:42 PM

By some unexplained miracle his wife was alive. She was back home with him, bloodied, bruised and broken, but still very much alive, which was more than he could ask for. Whatever gods existed had heard his desperate pleas and answered them, though they hadn't been too kind in their answering of his call. But he wasn't about to start complaining. Desdemona was alive, breathing and here with him. That was good enough for him. A tiny voice in the back of his head told him that he should've been furious with his wife. She had gone off again, only this time she had put her life at even more risk and not to mention the lives of their unborn children. What had she been thinking, wandering off alone and heavily pregnant?! He should've been verbally berating her, furious with her really because he had nearly driven himself insane with grief, but he just couldn't find it in himself to do that to her. As much she probably deserved it, the white knight wasn't going to stoop to that level. He was much to grateful that she was still breathing to even bother with being furious with her. He loved her far too much to hate her for that.

She struggled towards him, making an attempt to rise to greet him, but her injured hind limb hindered her progress and she tumbled back to the ground, her keening whine breaking his heart. He was done. She had broken him. His heart(metaphorically speaking of course) shattered into a million pieces. Her strangled whisper of his name brought him to his knees as he moved towards her, her vehement shaking of her head confirming his worst fears. The children....his children...gone....She had lost their pups..No...Not their pups...His wife being able to keep her life had come at a cost. Innocent pups had been lost, Demonio's dreams of ever having a family gone with them. How would the pair recover from this? Desdemona would need an extensive amount of time to recover from all her physical wounds, but would she ever be able to come back from the loss of her unborn children?

Desdemona curled herself against him, her own tears streaming down her face just like the ones that were streaming down his own cheeks. Her strangled voice reached his ears as she apologize, begging for forgiveness, asking him not to hate her for what had happened. None of it had been her fault. Even if she had gone out alone, it hadn't been her intention to get herself nearly killed and to loose their children. She had nothing to apologize for. I don't hate you my angel, how could I...You're alive and well...That's all that matters...I love you so much Desdemona, words can't even begin to describe how much I do. I could never hate you...I love you so much, thank you for coming back to me...thank you... His voice broke off into a pained whisper, pressing himself against Desdemona, wishing he could merge his wife into his own body and keep her there for the rest of eternity, safe and sound from everyone and everything.

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