
Lying is still a sin



1 Year
Dire wolf
11-09-2018, 10:01 PM

"Maman, nous devons parler ... Je ne sais pas si tout le monde l'a vu, mais tu es devenu fou, et ta façon de nous regarder est comme si nous étions quelque chose qui te faisait mal. Ce n'est pas juste pour Naeva pour vous la blâmer pour tout ce que vous avez décidé, c'est de notre faute. Ni à Cel ni à aucun de mes frères et sœurs, ne me reprochez ce que vous voulez, mais laissez-le en dehors de ça. " He had been harsh. His mom had looked hurt but her face said it all, she regretted him.

"Tais-toi pour des choses dont tu ne connais rien!"

"Quoi?! Qu'est-ce que je sais pas de la merde?! Que tu ne puisses pas te battre, Que tu aies peur de ta propre ombre?" He had been certain even his block headed brother had noticed.

"Tais-toi!" his mom was growing more angry by the second.

"Pourquoi devrais-je?! Vous nous avez menti toute notre vie! Vous ne vouliez pas de nous, vous ne l'avez jamais fait! Nous sommes des enfants bâtards! Et je parierais que notre père était aussi un fichu violeur!" He had holered. HE was angry with a fire blazing in his eyes. He had guessed well before but now the thoughts made light in his words.

"C-comment? Q-qui vous l'a dit?" Jewell's face was that of shock then. It had been all he needed to comfirm everything. HE left then not caring how much he hurt his mother or if any of his siblings had heard.

-later that day-

Anger coursed through him as he ran along the border. He wasn't crossing it but he needed distance from his lying mother to sort through his thoughts. His mother and him had been screaming at each other by the end of it all, loud enough he was sure his uncle and other's might of heard. How could she have kept this from him all these years? And the hatred he had seen in her eyes for days now only drove his anger to burn more.

His paws were drums on the ground as he kept a steady pace. He had been running almost all day now, ever since his mother confirmed it for him, they were a rapists children. He slowed finally, pants coming from him. He needed somewhere to go, something to do other than run honestly. HE had suspected but then he didn't think his mom could of ever had the guts to lie to anyone. Yet here he was his entire life had been a lie. He sat himself then, his tail lashing. His eyes were set in anger and hardened in seriusness. He bet Torin didn't even love them like he said he did. Had they thought they were all so stupid as to never guess it?

Walk, "Talk", Think