
Home Maker



4 Years
11-10-2018, 01:37 PM
Cole knew that this Winter could be the last one he had ever lived in. His months of traveling and searching had taken a large toll on his strength and overall health. He did not want to join a pack out of bear necessity he wanted to join a pack where he would be wanted not one he would cling to in feeble desperation. He did not want to be a drag on to another packs success in surviving the coming Winter. He would deal with his struggles himself. He sat down deep in thought quietly humming a little tune as he did. 'Food yes that should be fine, I still have time to stockpile. Herbs, ill need to find some quickly most of the valuable herbs may be wilting. Who am I kidding they've probably been plundered by others wolves. Hmm what about a den, yes that is a necessity for hiding out the elements and keeping warm'.

He stalked forward looking for a potential digging site which he will always remember. So he needed to find a few land markers. That tree looks noticeable enough the brute thought as he looked over at a dying spruce tree. He padded towards it placing a paw on the bark to test if the tree would hold well enough to have a den hidden underneath it. It creaked quietly. The noise put Cole a little on edge but it was the only tree in this area that was rather noticeable. He would try and work with this since he wasn't very choosy wolf.

He began digging throwing the soil out from under him. After a few moments he looked up at the tree seeing it being to tilt after he heard it left you another deafening creek. He looked up and cringed. He was to far along with this to give up now he had used a good amount of his strength already. He back up looking at the monstrosity he created before he warily stepped inside to lie down, testing the waters. "Crap crAp CRAP" he screamed loudly running out of the den as the tree fell through and crashed down shaking the forest floor sending flocks of birds and tree dwellers running. Cole panted loudly as he tried to realign his balance as he looked over at the caved in tree den with tired eyes. That did not go as well as he planned.

Now he was back to the drawing board. What he needed was something with more support in it.  He looked around sniffing found something of good use. Holes dug down by a badger or a tortoise perhaps he could make use of. He stood still noticing a large boulder with several other large rocks laying next to it. That should be good enough for him. He edged the borders of the boulder checking for weak points that might make this whole process a lot easier on him. An old badger burrow perfect. Some of the work would already be done for him.

Swiftly he dug deeper following the old pattern of the burrow creating a large crevice under the massive boulder. This was the enough of digging he could do for now It would need support to prevent it from toppling over and killing him in his sleep or during the construction. He left his work momentarily looking for thick tree branches on the ground to work as stilts. He hauled them back one at a time. Six stilts in all a laborious task as dawn turned to dusk. He could hear part of the dirt beginning to crumble. He needed to work fast. He dug six holes in various corners of the den deep enough for when the poles of wood go in the would reach the ceiling and hold it steady. He would now drag a pole in loosening more of the dirt before shoveling it in the hole.
The hard part was now over. He sat down in the center of the now stable hideaway. He had enough space to more around and stretch himself out completely. A place for one visitor to sleep. Maybe enough leeway room for a small garden just maybe. But something was still missing a draft was blowing into the den making it rather chilly on the inside. He walked out of his den looking for a way to fix this now noticed issue. Maybe a leaf pile will suffice in shielding him from the elements. He pawed at the ever growing piles of leaves shuffling them towards his den. The entrance was now blocked. He would have to rearrange the pile every time to left and entered his home but it was good enough for now.

He entered and exited his home repeatedly yet something still did not feel right. He looked around sniffing the ground finding a little patch of flowers and smiled. He soon covered the den with colorful petals. Now it was perfect for him.