
i will love you till the end of t i m e

Gargoyle I


07-09-2013, 08:48 PM

Gargoyle ignored the words that implied that she was the undeserving one. They were pushed out of his mind at once as ridiculous. And instead he focused on her touch and her words. It was ridiculous but he still felt his cheeks warm into a blush when she showered him with affection like that. The two, they had their moments, but most of the time, they had to keep a lid on things. They were parents and they were the leading pair, a level of decorum and poise was necessary. But now? Now they could just be themselves. And Gargoyle loved it. The sensation he got as their belly fur mingled. The butterflies he got when she talked of how much she loved him - and then she talked about how she got butterflies! And that it would never fade.

He sighed softly, gazing at her. He could stay like this for hours. Forget that. He could stay like this forever. "If it ever does," he rumbled. "You tell me. Alright? You tell me, and I'll make sure I find a way to bring them back." His last words trailed into the deep, rolling purr as he pressed his nose into her the soft fur just beneath her ear, tickling her with his muzzle.

This girl. This girl would drive him crazy. He knew she was half blind, but how did she not see how perfect she was. He was dangerous, he was messed up, he - no he couldn't think of such things at a time like this, but needless to say, he wasn't the pick of the litter. And yet she adored him. She could see past all his faults and yet... she still somehow obsessed over her own. For a terrible second the thought crossed his mind... that if she was blind to her own perfections, maybe she was blind to his faults. No, no that couldn't be it. He told her what he had been. She'd seem a glimpse of it in the Soulless Forest. And if she could see the good in him, he'd be damned if he didn't make her see all the good in herself.

She spoke of how she trusted him. How she loved him. Well it went both ways. "I love you too." he said distinctly, "Because you're perfect, and I want to hear you say it." The teasing growl took his voice as he pressed his nose into her neck. Suddenly he was all over her. He licked at the side of her muzzle, over top her blue eye, at her cheek fur, her muzzle again. He was attacking her with kisses - and there was no getting away, the paw he had beneath her helped make sure of that. "I won't stop until you do," he warned her teasingly. The monstrous he-wolf had her pinned. She was his in ever sense of the word, and he was going to keep licking her until she admitted that she was as beautiful as he knew she was. And the longer she took, the quicker his tempo increased, chuckling as he lapped at her face just as lovingly as she had his when they'd first gone down. His giant's form wriggled in mirth, and not a little excitement. "Say it!" he exclaimed, and after a second he realized he was laughing, really truly laughing.