
Rhy babies?



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
11-11-2018, 03:37 AM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2018, 10:31 AM by Philomena.)
I don't need more characters I said... til I remembered I was interested in one of these kids. -Eyes-

Name: Aria Destruction {“Stubborn Bitch” “Stupid Girl” etc. by Slavers}

Age: 2 Years {Spring} [Younger litter if that’s okay! If not I’ll go with the older age. <3]

Appearance: 27” ;; Light



At her core the first thing to note about Aria is that, despite being a slave, her true nature is that of a sweetheart. Her heart is kind and her mind open though do not mistake this one’s kindness for weakness. The young female is just as quick to spit at the name of the slavers and bring hate into her heart. Hate is a strong word, Aria says, but some wolves deserve it. Those wolves are, naturally, the bastards who hurt her mother and kept her family hostage. Despite the abuse endured, and the things witnessed, Aria continued to try and be helpful and a light to the other slaves… even if it meant she became a target of the slaver’s abuse.

That said Aria is not much of a fighter in part due to her size. But that doesn’t mean she won’t try to stand up to the larger wolves and bullies… both in slavers and those whom she meets in Boreas. She is not one to lay down and just give up, pushing herself to the brink with a strong will and stronger mind. Aria NEVER gives up, especially if it’s for the greater good. The female would sacrifice herself in a heartbeat if it’s for the sake of those she loves -- her loyalty knows no bounds. Aria is very willful and stubborn and refuses to break -- something that the slavers have always hated her for. That said Aria does feel pain, of course, and that pain comes from whenever a family member is hurt mentally, physically, or emotionally. She becomes distraught, not sure how to help but wanting to do so.

As Aria got older and began to suffer abuse as well she grew harder. She does not like the touch of men, finding sexual acts generally dirty. It is one of the signs that she is a damaged -- for no one goes through such experiences unscathed. She is not incapable of love, but sexual acts are something she will very quickly and vocally get away from. If Aria does not want something, or does not appreciate something happening, she will tell you. She doesn’t beat around the bush either -- she’ll tell you straight out. She tends to be on the blunt side as well finding that sugarcoating things haven’t worked in the past.

Aria is definitely more of a neutral good character. Her views on how the world works are a bit shifted due to living with slavers her whole life… but that doesn’t make her a cold person. However she’s not always going to be your best friend either. She is close to those she feels deserves her friendship and kindness, but she also wouldn’t feel bad if she crossed someone or a pack because their ideals are different. Aria values her family above all else, so if they make an enemy she will blindly make that person or group of people her enemy as well. While not one to go out of her way to commit more heinous acts she is not incapable of doing so, particularly if she has someone as a bad influence leading her along. Aria can be impressionable… so long as she trusts you.


At least a post or two a week! Possibly more. <3


I’d like for Aria have been raised by Rhythm, at least initially. Enough for the girl to know that Rhythm is indeed her mother. The girl has a strong personality, despite being on the smaller side {likely a runt of her litter}, and would have fought to keep fairly close to Rhythm, Rhyme, and any siblings that were kept in their circle as they aged.

I also like to think of Aria as a smart cookie. I could see her having helped arranged the escape for her mother and brother initially, even serving as a distraction for them. She would have worn a smile on her face as she told them she’d do it -- her love and loyalty for her family runs deeply. Her last words to them were probably something along the lines of “I know we’ll see each other again someday.”

After Rhythm and Rhyme escaped, providing Aria helped in their escape, naturally the slavers would be pissed. That would increase the amount of abuse suffered by them. From beatings, to being starved and raped this girl’s mind and body will be tested… but she will refuse to break, remaining strong and proud that parts of her family are now free.


First and foremost, like Epitaph, Aria is awaiting rescue. She will be kept under careful surveillance of the slavers until then.

Upon reaching Boreas Aria will likely try and rekindle a relationship with her family… and hopefully one with Valentine as well. She will look up to him as a force of justice and a strong hearted individual -- values she has coveted. His way of thinking will likely appeal to her as well -- not everything is black and white or simple as good and evil after all.

As far as a skill goes… well intellect and navigation will likely be the two chosen for Aria. She’ll be a collector of information and a voluntary messenger for the family should the need ever arise.

In general just some good family stuff! Nothing overly ambitious, but lots of love and support!

  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!