
live & love & don't let go



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-09-2013, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2013, 09:07 PM by Epiphron.)

It had been a real eye-opener for Epiphron when she realized that she might not be able to be with the man she loved -- she realized then how she was not totally in charge of her life, and that in the big picture, she was rather miniscule. But she had changed even more drastically when things had gone her way. Though the woman had been proud before, her confidence had all but grown following her wedding. She had gotten nearly exactly what she wanted. The man she had grown to love, as well as a position that guaranteed her power. It was not the Valhallan throne she would inherit, that she had hoped for, but she knew she would come to love Seracia dearly.

"I can only hope they will grow to love me nearly a fraction of how much you do," she murmured lovingly, a bit more affectionate than usual, as she had missed him so dearly since his departure. It'd been the first time they had been apart since their marriage, and she definitely hadn't enjoyed it. But the prospect of inheriting the throne so soon made her forget the slight loneliness very quickly. She really ought to get to know some of the other Seracians, especially if she would be crowned Queen soon.

But the talk of children drew her mind quickly away from thoughts of ruling. It seemed Maverick, too, was distracted by such an idea. Would he have brought it up if he hadn't been at least somewhat interested in the thought in the relative future? She considered, slowing her pace dramatically. Luckily they had still been able to maintain privacy, weaving in and out of trees in the near-darkness. She was not in heat any longer, but perhaps she could still bear children -- she wasn't entirely sure. Epiphron had demonstrated rather strong self-control over the last few weeks; her desire for Maverick burned painfully in her chest, but she would not given in to temptation until the both of them were ready. She was not that stupid. It wasn't long before their lazy pace slowed to a halt. Her bright gaze danced over his features, wondering. "Is now too soon?" Her lyrics were far more innocent than usual, almost naively so, as she leaned in to lather his face with gentle kisses.