
Jester, do you have Wit?



3 Years
Extra large
11-11-2018, 06:47 PM

Korinna was in a foul mood. Never again would she get her hopes up about something she wasn't certain about, she decided. It wasn't as though the fall of Ruina was a huge blow to her, but it left her irritable nonetheless. Following Tyranis was always an option, but it seemed until then she'd been on her own - and she wasn't totally convinced that following anyone at all was such a good idea anymore. She'd always fended for herself, and thus had no real issue with being on her own again, but it didn't make her feel any less disgruntled by the sudden fall of this supposed empire. Hoping that some traveling might get her mind off things, Kori headed north, until she could no longer easily see Mount Volkan towering high in the distance. At least, that was what she thought - until a bit of wind pushed the clouds from view that had been obscuring its peak, which sent her into another annoyed fit.

Fuck it. Fuck that stupid place. What kind of pack would even think to claim a volcano as their territory, of all possible lands? Kori was pretty sure there weren't even any suitable prey there. Huffing to herself, she continued on, trekking through the forest of tall-reaching trees. Briefly tilted her head skyward to examine them, noting the way they leaned on one another, the way their branches were thicker than most. Though a thrill-seeker at heart, Kori had never really been one for climbing and she didn't pay much mind to the odd trees, plunging deeper into the forest and heading east, following the sun as it rose in the sky. She wasn't sure exactly where she was headed, but she'd spent too long in this continent in one place and she'd decided she ought to explore a bit more before settling down anywhere. Or attempting to settle down, she thought forlornly to herself, feeling the corners of her lips twitching into a slight sneer.

Yeah, sure, a failed pack was a stupid thing to be so irritated over but Kori wasn't one known for her forgiving nature - she was fueled by spite, one could say, the failures of others driving herself to improve and better herself where she could. And currently she was thinking of just that, hoping that in her travels she might find some direction or at least something to keep her entertained in the meantime. However, her thoughts were entirely disrupted when she heard something in the distance. The sound of a tree limb creaking and snapping, and something tumbling down, was completely unmistakable, and her interest was immediately piqued. The thought of someone falling from a tree was morbidly amusing to the female with the ashen grey coat, and she simply needed to see the aftermath.

What she didn't expect to see was someone trotting toward the open mouth of a cavern, two ends of a large stick jutting from either side of their body. The branch was much larger than any wolf should be carrying, and swayed and wobbled as the stranger went, taking out small trees and vegetation as she went. Korinna let out a loud, quite audible snort of amusement as she loped closer. "Careful, or you'll poke your eye out with that thing!" Was she actually hoping to warn the stranger of potential danger? No, definitely not, and her voice was void of concern, instead dancing with obvious amusement at the ridiculous sight. Some might think she was laughing with the stranger but she was most definitely laughing at her.