



1 Year
11-11-2018, 07:34 PM
He paused, confused as a frown appeared on the female's face. It took him a moment to realize he had spoken a little louder than he had meant to. Circe had taken what he said as an insult to herself. Surprise had woken him up slightly and he visibly perked up. "Oh! I'm sorry, I wasn't..." 'I wasn't talking to you,' he wanted to finish, but he couldn't mention the spirits. Not yet. The man he had met called them a gift, but Circe may not feel the same. "I'm sorry," he concluded looking to the floor for a moment.

Pnuma was disappointed once learning of the herbs normal, although stealthy appearance. His mind had created some mystical plant, perhaps even a fruit that fell from a huge red tree, so the plant's casual image was quite the let-down. The urge to press the female for the hidden differences between the two, just in case he could need one, was quickly suppressed. He didn't want to bother her. With an injured leg, upsetting your caretaker wasn't the best idea. She seemed so kind but he didn't want to test the limits of her temper, especially considering she thought he had insulted her just a few moments ago.

He wanted to learn the most about Circe before he fell asleep. Though that was a few minutes away, he wanted to gather as much as possible. He didn't want this to seem onesided, so he allowed some information about himself to spill into the conversation.

"You... You said you're taking me to your band right? This will be my first real group that wasn't my family. I'm not really sure how this works or if every group is different, but I'm pretty sure I can't just walk in. Are you sure they will just allow some stranger in? Especially and injured one that won't be able to really pull my own weight. Of course I'll do everything I can to repay you for your kindness! It's just, I don't know how your leader is like." He would pause for a moment, thinking, before looking back to the woman. "Unless you're the leader?" Curiosity and concern coated his words. He had not considered this person to be an alpha of some sort, or even worse, royalty! He had been talking to her like just some other canine when she could actually be some super important leader!
Pnuma is a mild schizophrenic. He is not dangerous but will mention spirits and act strangely. These are not actual spirits and are just
auditory hallucinations.