
There's a fine line between daring and stupid



2 Years
Extra large
11-11-2018, 10:54 PM
Going further west hadn't really occurred to her in a while, but now that it had she was off like a shot, bounding over and past the buffalo knolls and pressing on to see what she could see. Before she'd made it pretty dang far, but she'd yet to really encounter a pack or anything suuper cool, so Caelestis wasn't satisfied. Probably never would be, there was way too much to explore and see in this world! Maybe someday after they did a few more trainings - since that seemed likely, given the back to back sessions recently - she could ask Shaye permission to go on an extended journey. Where to she couldn't say just yet, but Caelestis knew there were more packs out there to peek at and more wolves to meet and lands to explore. Auster, for one, was a place she'd yet to set a single paw in, though that was mostly because it was the known home of the Abraxas and she wasn't keen on getting stuck close to them any time too soon...

Wait. Pausing, Caelestis went from a bouncy trot to a halt. Was avoiding the Abraxas just letting them know she was as pathetic as they thought she was? Her lip curled at the thought. Archon had changed when he decided to leave. Or, maybe he just started acting like his real self openly. Whatever the case, that asshole and his kin had made it clear they thought the Abaven wolves were low as dirt and not worth their time. Caelestis hated to let any of them continue thinking that way. Shit, she'd beat the hell out of one right now, just to prove she wasn't any less than them. Glancing around as though one might show their ugly mug and come lookin' to add to her lovely new facial scarring, Caelestis found... nothing. Mostly grass. As she crested one of the many, many hills, she finally found something worth looking at.

The rickety, totally unstable looking structure was strange amidst the open grassland was kinda weird but also super interesting and she was immediately racing closer, eyes wide with curiosity. Hey, maybe she could climb this thing...
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!