
Little Medics [Pup Healing Lesson]



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-12-2018, 06:54 AM
Paladin trotted elegantly toward the moor, a bundle in his jaws. Behind him came his companions, carrying their own bundles of herbs. Everything they bore was of basic stuff. Peppermint, Lavender, etc. The pups were due for a healing lesson, at half a year of age.

He slowed as he reached the stone circle, dropping his bundle and arranging the contents. Ime spread out several small clay bowls, a mortar and pestle, and a sealed jar of water with the herbs, and Kayode set out a jar of deer fat the two companions had been collecting and rendering from the kills brought in.

Paladin examined the setup and smiled briefly, drew in a breath and blew it out in a sigh before he turned and gave a low howl, inviting Gwenevere’s children to come learn how to soothe hurts. Minor ones, at least.

He padded around and took a seat, tail flicking to curl about his hips as he waited patiently, ears swiveling and flicking as he listened for sounds of approaching small paws. He was certain Geoffrey would find the lesson immensely interesting—the boy had been observed making his own forms of medicine in the way children did. Mud pie with plenty of leaves, slime and sticks.

A small pang struck in his breast and he sighed. He was halfway through life and his own hopes of children of his own seemed to be turning to dust. Unbidden, Sterling came to mind and he clicked his tongue, shaking his head. He was canny enough to realize that he could very well have fallen for her, and perhaps might have begun to. But she was gone, and that path seemed royally clogged with vines and thorns. Impassable.

Granted, he hadn’t really been venturing out beyond the wall beyond going to the Nomads for his advanced training and lessons, and simple socialization with wolves who were at his level of knowledge. Perhaps one of the women there… Nah. None of the females he knew from the chapter he’d grown up with until his return was the type to settle in one place.

A rustle brought his attention back to the present and he smiled warmly at the first arrival.

Ooc: since I'm still having no internet, the deadline is very loose, but attendance is semi-manditory. First round is due on... Say... 26th of this month! No posting order will be enforced.

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.