
Channeling Miyagi [meeting]



1 Year
11-12-2018, 08:40 AM

Amaris Abraxas

The journey to their new homeland was more work than fun to Amaris, seeing as all the adults were so stressed about keeping everyone together they hardly had anytime to truly enjoy themselves. That being said, when the pack had finally arrived at the stone castle, every snap comment and bitter vibe was completely washed away and out spurt hope and peace. Mother had told her that this castle was the very place father and her had met, and the fact that father had claimed this new piece of land.. well she just couldn't help but wonder if he had done it for mother. If not for her, it was probably because this place was practically built for them; strong stone protecting them from elements that wished to do them harm, and a vast garden to supply healers with all the herbs they could possibly dream of. It was a heaven on earth, built for the gods that now called it home; the Abraxas.

The fawn princess had been out surveying her new kingdom when her father's voice rang out from the castle like a roaring thunder, reaching her even in the depths of the garden maze. It was troublesome however, considering she had been trying to find her way about the hedges for quite some time, and now she really needed to get out. Being late to something this important was not Amaris style at all. Frantically running around corners and barreling down corridors, she had finally come upon a large boulder placed perfectly besides the hedge wall, and if she tried hard enough, perhaps the girl could leap over and find her escape. Not fully grown, but still determined as ever, Amaris backed up to get a running start before she unleashed all her energy into bounding up and over the rock and hedge. However, as she would soon find out, there was a slight problem with her plan. Just as her small form breached the hedge wall, she soon realized that just because there was a boulder on one side, did not mean there would be one to catch her on the other.

Princess or not, the fall was brutal and she let out a sharp yelp when she collided with the other side. It took her a few moments to catch her barrings, taking deep breaths to calm herself down before examining her body for injuries. She was alerted to a small gash above her left brow when she rubbed her paw over it, finding fresh blood now staining her nearly white foot. But she was quick to lick that up, trying to make herself look as presentable as possible. After that, she went to rush back to the castle, but found a soreness in her front paw every time she put pressure on it. She sighed heavily, knowing her mother would not be pleased at all with this condition, and her father would be disappointed if she did not reach the meeting in a timely fashion. So what could the little princess do? She dusted off herself and began a sort of skip back up the hill and towards the castle.

When she finally neared the throne room, Amaris stilled herself to try and catch her breath before entering. She didn't want to make a fuss and if she didn't handle it right, she knew someone would notice her injuries. So she lightly liked the top of her paw and padded it against the gash above her eye, when no new blood was left on her foot, she knew the bleeding would have stopped. That was good at least. As for the whole 'walking in' part, Amaris knew she would have to suck it up and put weight on her ankle, but the hard work would be in her face; she would have to be stoic, and not let even an ounce of pain be evident in her eyes or her mother or father might notice. Finally composed, the fawn girl walked around the corner with her head tilted slightly up, and in full stride towards the gathered wolves. Thankfully, she could see Fel already there, and immediately ventured over to her sister and sighed once she sat down. When she turned to tell Fel what had happened, she was a bit alarmed at the state her dearest sister was in; hair sticking up in all the wrong places, with bits of leaves and... were those thorns? Perhaps Felicity had been battling her way out of the gardens as well? "What chewed you up and spit you out?" She would whisper in a hushed tone, so she would not draw more attention than they surely already had.
