
Channeling Miyagi [meeting]



1 Year
11-12-2018, 02:22 PM
Seiran was very busy as of late. It took a lot of subtlety and careful sneaking, but she'd been keeping an eye on anyone and everyone she knew to have an interest in healing and was trying to learn more about this 'garden' stuff that her cousin had told her about a while back. Yeah, there was the big overgrown one, but Seiran was pretty sure that there was still room to start growing things closer to the castle. Maybe she'd just make sure to bring over things that didn't grown in the other land. Hm, that sounded like a pretty good plan. So far she hadn't learned a ton about the process of planting her own plants. She knew she'd need to dig up some trenches to rebury the roots in, but the last time she'd experimented with replanting something near her den it had wilted and died, which left her fuming. Why couldn't she do this garden shit? Ugh.

Seiran was just musing over her latest attempt. She'd decided not to do any important herbs until she got the hang of this stuff, so she'd uprooted a dandelion and replanted it outside her den like the last plant. It's leaves were a bit wilty looking already and she was about to yank it out of the ground and stomp on it in frustration when the call came and she was forced to abandon her project in favor of trying not to be unforgivably late.

Sauntering into the thick of the group, she sat her ass down near Apollo since, well, she knew him. Glancing around at those gathered, she took a moment to appreciate how large her family was. How many of them knew each other well? Seiran sure diddn't know many of them beyond names.