
There's a fine line between daring and stupid



3 Years
11-12-2018, 03:41 PM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2018, 03:43 PM by Dagda.)
Dagda was taking this day slowly. An late-rise and a late-start lent to the male's lethargy as he hiked across these southern plains. Although these lands were beautiful, with its swaying grasses and buzzing wildlife, there was only so much scenery one could look at without getting bored, or in his case, lonely too. He'd been on the road for... over a year know. You'd think he'd be above getting bouts of melancholy over his lack of companions by now, but alas it seems not.

While descending a grassy knoll, one of too many, Dagda spotted an odd wood structure in the distance. It looked like a strong wind could knock it over, to be honest the healthy breeze of the day could probably make a good attempt. If not for a figure that caught his eye, Dagda would probably have avoided to oddity altogether and kept on walking, but as it so happened, a wolf doing her best impression of zealous bunny rabbit was currently prancing her way towards the rickety tower.

"Oooooh no. Please don't do what I think you're about to." Straightening up, Dagda considered just leaving the female to her own devices. It would save him a bit of bother. It could also exclude him from being able to help her, or exclude him from a bit of fun himself.

Ugh, what the hell. The healer raced across the plain, bouncing over the little hills and hoping he wouldn't break an ankle. As he neared the structure he slowed a bit, smiling at the... very tall female in front of him. What was it with wolves on this continent and height? There must be something in the water.

"Hi! I don't suppose you're planning on climbing this uhh.... precarious structure, honey?" he grinned.