
All Around Me


07-09-2013, 09:45 PM

She had never been so glad to see a wolf in her life, that was saying something coming from the girl who usually tried to avoid others. But Killian was her new friend and she would always welcome his presence. How could she not when she enjoyed it so much, but in this particular instance, she was beyond relieved at having him by her side. He had saved her from the crazy little man Caesar and she would forever be in his debt. Sure, she'd helped him the other day with his paw, but he'd saved her life. What a way to payback a little old favor.

He rushed to her side after the little pest scampered off, his ruby eyes scanning her frame, zeroing in on her injured paw, leaning down to lick at it without even asking her consent. She would've laughed, had it not been for the pain his touch was causing, a hiss of a breath slipping through her pale lips. Mm, that hurt. He abandoned his cleansing of her wound to look at her, a smile curling his dark lips as he explained how he'd found her so quickly, asking her if she was okay. Pretty good tracker if anyone asked me and yeah, I'm alright. My paw kind of hurts a little and so does the rest of my left side, but I should be fine. She leaned up, letting her muzzle brush against his own in a kiss as she slowly pushed herself up onto her haunches, peachy ears turning at the sound of his voice. My eye. He thought my eye was fire and he was trying to rip it from my face! Can you believe that... She shuddered, flashes of his crazed face replaying in her memory. She hoped to never run into the crazy little pipsqueak again.

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